Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

Nama Kakak tidak ada di jalan

Bila mendekati tanggal 17 Agustus, jalan, lorong, gang, mulai mempercantik diri dengan membuat gapura seindah mungkin. Dan di gapura pasti ada tulisan "HUTRI" yang merupakan singkatan Hari Ulang Tahun Republik Indonesia.
Saat Kakak berumur 5 dan 6 tahun, ia pernah menangis gara-gara melihat tulisan HUTRI dimana-mana, katanya sambil menangis: "Mengapa hanya nama Dedek yang ditulis, nama Kakak kok gak ditulis..."
Setelah dijelaskan baru ia mengerti bahwa HUTRI yang di jalan itu bukan menuliskan nama Dedek dan bukan ditujukan kepada Dedek. Tapi karena Dedek lahir tanggal 17 Agustus, makanya diberi nama AHMAD HUTRI SEMENDAWAI.

Ada yang lebih tua

Saat masih duduk di TK kelas B, adik iparku mengusilin Dedek.
Adik: "Kayaknya Dedek ini paling tua di kelas ya.."
Dedek:"Gaklah, ada yang lebih tua" (dengan gayanya yang tenang dan cuek)
Adik:"Siapa Dek?"
Dedek: "Ibu Guru.."
(Duh...Dedek..Dedek....bikin gemes aja....)

Siapa yang harus berdoa keluar rumah

Sore hari merupakan waktu belajar mengaji bagi kedua putraku di rumah. Kami mendatangkan ustadzah yang telah mengajar anak-anakku selama hampir 5 tahun. Untuk Kakak tidak pernah ada masalah, kecuali pada saat ia sedang sangat capek atau tidak fit. Lain dengan Dedek, yang selalu punya alasan segudang untuk tidak berlama-lama waktu belajarnya.
Pada suatu hari, ustadzahnya berkata kepada Dedek:'Ayo Dek kita sekarang belajar do'a ya...Coba sekarang Dedek lapazkan Doa Hendak Keluar Rumah ya....'
Spontan Dedek berkelit:'Yang mau keluar rumah itu siapa? Kan Ustadzah yang akan keluar rumah Dedek. Kalau Dedek karena hari sudah sore akan tetap di rumah. Jadi yang harus mengucapkan Doa Hendak Keluar Rumah itu Ustadzah, bukan Dedek..' (sambil berjalan menuju kamar tidur).
Ustadzahnya hanya bisa berkata:'iya ya....'

Semakin besar rangking semakin banyak hadiah

Kakak (kelas 4) dan Dedek (kelas 1) menerima raport semester 1. Komentar Dedek: ‘Wah... berarti lebih pintar Dedek daripada Kakak, Dedek rangking 10, Kakak cuma rangking 3, berarti hadiah untuk Dedek lebih banyak ya Mi… Kalo bagi rapor lagi Dedek mau rangking 100 aja, biar hadiahnya tambah banyak….’ (hehehehe…….)

Tidak Masuk Sekolah

Kemarin Dedek (kelas 1 SD) kebagian tugas membawa dan membagi makanan kecil ke teman-teman sekelas. Sepulang sekolah Kakaknya bertanya:'Dek,pacar Dedek dikasih berapa bungkus makanan?'.Spontan Dedek menjawab:'Wah,dia gak masuk hari ini.' (Saya yang mendengar hanya bisa bengong...Ooohh... ternyata....Gubrak!!!! )



Theme: Impacts of Global Climate Change to the Indonesian Inland Water Resources and Fisheries

The Research Center for Capture Fisheries (RCCF) that belongs to the Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research (AMFR) under the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Republic Indonesia (MMAF-RI), has seriously considered the importance of inland waters for the people and the strategic contribution of related sciences for proper management of Indonesian inland waters. Since 2004 the Research Institute for Inland Fisheries (RIIF) of RCCF, convenes annually the Indonesian Forum on Inland Waters (IFIW), where the fifth Forum was conducted internationally in 2008. These six consecutive forums had discussed various aspects of science related to management of capture fisheries that exist in various inland waters ecosystems in Indonesia. In the 2008 forum, it is recommended that the International conference on Inland Waters will be held bi-annually.
Indonesia has more than 54 million hectares of inland waters that consists of lakes and reservoirs, rivers and its floodplain, various type of swamps and other type of surface waters. Inland waters in Indonesia since the time unrecorded in history have served as the source livelihood to people that live in its surroundings. In accordance with the development of civilization, inland waters currently are providing many social and economy needs required for the sustainability of the society such as aesthetic, cultural, educational, recreational, economic opportunities and also guaranteed environmental, individual, collective and emotional securities. Nevertheless, inland waters also impart individual freedom and variety, and last but not least also spiritual dimension. Imbalanced emphasized on the economic functions of inland waters has led to of unsustainable society indicated by many environmental disaster, such as prolonged drought and flood, over fishing, waters pollution and health problems.
Significant impacts of global climate change to inland water systems include the disruption of natural pattern of water level fluctuation that triggered many related ecological phenomena such as unnatural biogeochemical cycle, life cycle of aquatic organisms and related human activities related to fisheries. It is also indicated that in the long run the impact of global climate change also influenced the sustainability of Indonesian inland water biodiversity. In order to maintain their welfare human being has to adapt to this global change in terms fishing and aquaculture technology, fishery product processing and marketing and resources management and conservation. Many research activities have to be conducted to provide the foundation for scientific management of Indonesian Inland Waters. Beside Indonesian researchers doing research related to these Indonesian inland waters, there are also other researchers from other country such as Germany, England, Canada, Japan, France, Sweden, Malaysia, Brunei and Australia. Some international organization such as Food Agricultural Organization of the United Nation (FAO of The UN), Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), International Development Research Center (IDRC) of Canada, Australia Centre for International Agriculture Research (ACIAR) and other also has conducted some research activities related to inland water. Therefore, the 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDONESIAN INLAND WATERS II: Impacts of Global Climate Change to the Indonesian Inland Water Resources and Fisheries will be held on 29-30th November 2010 in Palembang, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia.

• To evaluate the state of the art of sciences and technologies that contribute to understanding of impacts of global climate change to ecological process and mechanisms and its implementation for management and conservation of inland waters.
• A vehicle for sharing of knowledge and experiences in research, environmental engineering, management and governance of tropical inland waters in relation to adaptation to global climate change.
• Initiation of development of international net works of stakeholders for management of Indonesian inland waters.

The theme of the Conference will be “Indonesian Inland Waters and Fisheries: Sustainable Adaptation to the Impacts of Global Climate Change”. The Conference will be held on 29-30th November 2010 at Novotel Hotel in Palembang City. There will be several simultaneous scientific or technical system, poster session, oral presentation session, and post conference tours.

The Scientific and technical sessions are focused on Impact of Global Climate Change to:
1. Aquatic Ecosystem Structure and Functions
2. Biogeochemical Processes in Inland Waters
3. Aquatic Biodiversity and Conservation (Protection, Mitigation and Rehabilitation)
4. Aquatic Environment Pollution and Impacts
5. Capture and Aquaculture Fisheries Management
6. Social, Economy, Policy and Governance Facets of Inland Water
7. Harvest and Post Harvest Technology.

Key note and policy papers will be presented by invited scientists/experts. The invited speakers will present key note and policy papers as follow:
1. Mr. Sarwono Kusumaatmadja (former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fishery 1999-2001). (Tentative Topic: Management of Inland waters resource for sustainable fishery business)
2. Prof. Dr. Douglass Haffner (Tentative Topic: Impact of Global Climate Change to Biogeochemical Process in Tropical Lake)
3. Prof. Nakano (Tentative Topic: The importance of developing on the Indonesian Freshwater Biodiversity Observation Network (BON) as Satellites of Asia Pacific-BON)

The scientific and technical sessions will be covering the thematic areas listed above and will be run concurrently. Selected papers will be allocated slots for presentation. The selection of papers for oral presentations by the Steering Committee will based on the content and quality of abstracts submitted by the authors. Detailed instructions will be available for abstract preparation and submission in the website as well as in the second announcement.

August 30th, 2010 is the deadline for submission of abstracts. Abstract received after this day may not find a place on the Book of Abstracts. The abstracts can be submitted on line through the web site. Abstract can also be sent through email to or through post to the Secretariat.
The deadline of the full paper submission is October 8th, 2010.