Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

Fish Fauna Of Lower Komering In Banyuasin Regency Of South Sumatra Province

Dina Muthmainnah

Balai Riset Perikanan Perairan Umum Palembang

Jln. Beringin no. 308 Mariana Palembang, email: dina_mth@yahoo.co.id


An investigation was conducted in order to know fish diversity in lower Komering River during December 2006 to February 2007. Fish samples was collected by clustered random sampling in 3 selected stasion along Komering River in Rambutan Subdistric. The fish were catches by cast net, lift net, and pole and line. Fresh fish samples were preserved in 10 % formaline, and identification was carried out in Hydrobiology Laboratory of RIIF. The result showed that fishes of lower Komering consisted of 25 species member of 4 Order. Some species were considered as economic commodity.

Keywords : Fish diversity, Lower Komering.

In Book 2: General Papers, Proceeding International Conference on Indonesian Inland Waters, 17-18 November 2008, Research Institute for Inland Fisheries, Research Centre for Capture Fisheries, Marine and Fisheries Research Agency, ISBN 978-979-17100-8-4.

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